Sunday, March 27, 2011

The world.

Through out the course of my stay on the internet I have noticed various things that caught my disdain for it. Of course I am speaking at such websites as MYSPACE, FACEBOOK, and all other social networking websites that seek to propagate mindless and shallow posting zombies that would drivel on and on about the drop of a hat. In fact, some do. So here I am. Another misanthropic, cave dweller, who hates people and probably eats his own body hair, clinging to the last parts of the internet that choose not to show one's own idiocy for 500,000,000 friends to see.


  1. Facebook isn't that bad :P Myspace however..

  2. Don't worry myspace will get a new arse torn soon

  3. I tried eating my own body hair for nutrients once. It just didn't work.

  4. Facbook is too convenient for me to quit man, im hooked.

  5. @Amilli: Same here, man. I have all my real friends there (friends from high school and college) and I have no other way of contacting them more conveniently.
